The cannabis packaging that you use in your dispensary is crucial for multiple reasons. Product packaging needs to make clear what’s inside and how to use it so consumers have no doubts. At the same time, you want to be fully compliant with the regulations in your area for selling and packaging cannabis. Essentially, you need to design packaging that appeals to customers and stands out from the crowd while still remaining in compliance with the law. 


Child-Resistant Containers

When medical marijuana was first on the rise, dispensaries treated it similarly to other prescription medications and placed it in child-resistant plastic pill bottles. As this packaging practice became more widespread, local governments began to make it the standard for legal cannabis. Now, many states require that cannabis be sold in child-resistant packaging of some sort. It may be child-resistant bags, pouches, bottles, or something else. 


Always Check Your Local Regulations


Because the regulations regarding cannabis packaging vary between states, it is impossible to list them concisely. As such, you will need to make sure you research the requirements in your state before you start planning your packaging. Then, ensure that your packaging meets or exceeds those requirements. 


Keep in mind that states may change their packaging requirements in the future, potentially making the rules stricter, and with minimal notice. As such, it is in your best interest to adopt the strictest packaging requirements, even if you are not yet legally required to do so in your state. This could potentially save you future costs of repackaging existing products. 


Common Regulations


The following are some of the requirements that your state may have — or may adopt in the future — for cannabis packaging:

  • Be child-proof

  • Be opaque 

  • Disclose the THC concentration

  • Cultivation information 

  • Disclose dosing and THC per dose for edibles 

  • Edible packaging may not look similar to commercially available food

  • List all additives in vaporizer extracts

  • List ingredients and servings for THC 

  • Include a warning about potential health risks (some states have their own boilerplate warning to follow)

  • Must not be designed to appeal to minors


Packaging Must Be Efficient and Cost-Effective


As with any other aspect of running a business, choosing the right cannabis packaging can be critical in terms of efficiency and budget. You want packaging that is readily available, so you will not have to wait for more to come in. Most dispensaries will also want to keep their packaging costs at a minimum as a way to maximize profit margins. 


It Must Keep the Product Fresh


The packaging of your cannabis also matters from the perspective of maintaining product quality. Just like you would store buds at home in a cool, dry, dark place and in an airtight container, your cannabis packaging in the dispensary should do the same. This allows you to provide clients with the freshest, most potent products. 


Aesthetics Also Matter

Just as with any other product, the cannabis packaging in your dispensary is also critical from an advertising perspective. You want to create packaging that appeals to customers, so they will choose to buy from your dispensary over another. It should include your logo and align with your branding.

Tagged in : cannabis

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